Recent Publications

18.09.2024 New Publication in Antiferromagnetic Spintronics

A publication with Olena Gomonay, VK Bharadwaj and Tobias Wagner on antiferromagnetic vortex states in NiO-Fe nanostructures has been publised in Advanced Materials Interfaces.

Magnetic vortices are topological spin structures frequently found in ferromagnets, yet novel to antiferromagnets. By combining experiment and theory, it is demonstrated that in a nanostructured antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic NiO(111)-Fe(110) bilayer, a magnetic vortex is naturally stabilized by magnetostatic interactions in the ferromagnet and is imprinted onto the adjacent antiferromagnet via interface exchange coupling. Micromagnetic simulations are used to construct a corresponding phase diagram of the stability of the imprinted antiferromagnetic vortex state. The in-depth analysis reveals that the interplay between interface exchange coupling and the antiferromagnet magnetic anisotropy plays a crucial role in locally reorienting the Néel vector out-of-plane in the prototypical in-plane antiferromagnet NiO and thereby stabilizing the vortices in the antiferromagnet.

You can find the publication under Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 2400309.

02.09.2024 New Publication in Altermagnetism

A publication with Jairo Sinova and Libor Šmejkal on spin and orbital magnetism by light in rutile altermagnets has been published in npj Spintronics.

While the understanding of altermagnetism is still at a very early stage, it is expected to play a role in various fields of condensed matter research, for example spintronics, caloritronics and superconductivity. In the field of optical magnetism, it is still unclear to which extent altermagnets as a class can exhibit a distinct behavior. Here we choose RuO2, a prototype metallic altermagnet with a giant spin splitting, and CoF2, an experimentally known insulating altermagnet, to study the light-induced magnetism in rutile altermagnets from first-principles. We demonstrate that in the non-relativisic limit the allowed sublattice-resolved orbital response exhibits symmetries, imposed by altermagnetism, which lead to a drastic canting of light-induced moments. On the other hand, we find that inclusion of spin-orbit interaction enhances the overall effect drastically, introduces a significant anisotropy with respect to the light polarization and strongly suppresses the canting of induced moments. Remarkably, we observe that the moments induced by linearly-polarized laser pulses in light altermagnets can even exceed in magnitude those predicted for heavy ferromagnets exposed to circularly polarized light. By resorting to microscopic tools we interpret our results in terms of the altermagnetic spin splittings and of their reciprocal space distribution. Based on our findings, we speculate that optical excitations may provide a unique tool to switch and probe the magnetic state of rutile altermagnets.

You can find the publication under npj Spintronics 2, 46 (2024).

30.08.2024 New Publication in Antiferromagnetic Spintronics

A publication with Jairo Sinova, Libor Šmejkal, Warrley Campos and Anna Hellenes on the Anomalous Nernst effect in the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn5Si3 has been published in communications materials.

Investigating the off-diagonal components of the conductivity and thermoelectric tensor of materials hosting complex antiferromagnetic structures has become a viable method to reveal the effects of topology and chirality on the electronic transport in these systems. In this respect, Mn5Si3 is an interesting metallic compound that exhibits several antiferromagnetic phases below 100 K with different collinear and noncollinear arrangements of Mn magnetic moments determined from neutron scattering. Previous electronic transport measurements have shown that the transitions between the various phases give rise to large changes of the anomalous Hall effect. Here, we report measurements of the anomalous Nernst effect of Mn5Si3 single crystals that also show clear transitions between the different magnetic phases. In the noncollinear phase, we observe an unusual sign change of the zero-field Nernst signal with a concomitant decrease of the Hall signal and a gradual reduction of the remanent magnetization. Furthermore, a symmetry analysis of the proposed magnetic structures shows that both effects should actually vanish. These results indicate a symmetry-breaking modification of the magnetic state with a rearrangement of the magnetic moments at low temperatures, thus questioning the previously reported models for the noncollinear magnetic structure obtained from neutron scattering.

You can find the publication under Commun Mater 5, 176 (2024).

25.07.2024 New Publication in Altermagnetism

A publication with Jairo Sinova, Libor Šmejkal, Helen Gomonay and Rodrigo Jaeschke on the structure, control, and dynamics of altermagnetic textures has been published in npj Spintronics.

They present a phenomenological theory of altermagnets, that captures their unique magnetization dynamics and allows modeling magnetic textures in this new magnetic phase. Focusing on the prototypical d-wave altermagnets, e.g., RuO2, they can explain intuitively the characteristic lifted degeneracy of their magnon spectra, by the emergence of an effective sublattice-dependent anisotropic spin stiffness arising naturally from the phenomenological theory. They show that as a consequence the altermagnetic domain walls, in contrast to antiferromagnets, have a finite gradient of the magnetization, with its strength and gradient direction connected to the altermagnetic anisotropy, even for 180° domain walls. This gradient generates a ponderomotive force in the domain wall in the presence of a strongly inhomogeneous external magnetic field, which may be achieved through magnetic force microscopy techniques. The motion of these altermagentic domain walls is also characterized by an anisotropic Walker breakdown, with much higher speed limits of propagation than ferromagnets but lower than antiferromagnets.

You can find the publication under npj Spintronics 2, 35 (2024).

27.06.2024 New Publication in Altermagnetism

A publication with Jairo Sinova, Libor Šmejkal and Helen Gomonay on the anisotropy of the anomalous Hall effect in thin films of the altermagnet candidate Mn5Si3 has been published in Physical Review B.

Altermagnets are compensated magnets belonging to spin symmetry groups that allow alternating spin polarizations both in the coordinate space of the crystal and in the momentum space of the electronic structure. In these materials the anisotropic local crystal environment of the different sublattices lowers the symmetry of the system so that the opposite-spin sublattices are connected only by rotations. This results in an unconventional spin-polarized band structure in the momentum space. This low symmetry of the crystal structure is expected to be reflected in the anisotropy of the anomalous Hall effect. In this work, they study the anisotropy of the anomalous Hall effect in epitaxial thin films of Mn5⁢Si3, an altermagnetic candidate material. They first demonstrate a change in the relative Néel vector orientation when rotating the external field orientation through systematic changes in both the anomalous Hall effect and the anisotropic longitudinal magnetoresistance. They then show that the anomalous Hall effect in this material is anisotropic with the Néel vector orientation relative to the crystal structure and that this anisotropy requires high crystal quality and unlikely stems from the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Their results thus provide further systematic support to the case for considering epitaxial thin films of Mn5⁢Si3 as an altermagnetic candidate material.

You can find the publication under Phys. Rev. B 109, 224430 (2024).

27.06.2024 New Publication in Antiferromagnetic Spintronics

A publication with Helen Gomonay and Tobias Wagner revealing ultrafast domain wall motion in Mn2⁢Au through permalloy capping has been published in Physical Review B.

Antiferromagnets offer much faster dynamics compared to their ferromagnetic counterparts but their order parameter is extremely difficult to detect and control. So far, controlling the Néel order parameter electrically is limited to only very few materials where Néel spin-orbit torques are allowed by symmetry. In this work, they show that coupling a thin ferromagnet (permalloy) layer on top of an antiferromagnet (Mn2⁢Au) solves a major roadblock—the controlled reading, writing, and manipulation of antiferromagnetic domains. They confirm by atomistic spin dynamics simulations that the domain wall patterns in the Mn2⁢Au are imprinted on the permalloy, therefore allowing for indirect imaging of the Néel order parameter. Their simulations show that the coupled domain wall structures in Mn2⁢Au-Py bilayers can be manipulated by either acting on the Néel order parameter via Néel spin-orbit torques or by acting on the magnetization (the ferromagnetic order parameter) via magnetic fields. In both cases, they predict ultrahigh domain wall speeds on the order of 8.5 km/s. Thus, employing a thin ferromagnetic layer has the potential to easily control the Néel order parameter in antiferromagnets even where Néel spin-orbit torques are forbidden by symmetry. The controlled manipulation of the antiferromagnetic order parameter provides a promising basis for the development of high-density storage and efficient computing technologies working in the THz regime.

You can find the publication under Phys. Rev. B 109, 224431 (2024).

12.06.2024 New Publication in Altermagnetism

A publication with Libor Šmejkal about a tool to check whether a symmetry-compensated collinear magnetic material is antiferro- or altermagnetic has been published in SciPost Phys. Codebases.


Altermagnets (AM) is a recently discovered class of collinear magnets that share some properties (anomalous transport, etc) with ferromagnets, some (zero net magnetization) with antiferromagnets, while also exhibiting unique properties (spin-splitting of electronic bands and resulting spin-splitter current). Since the moment compensation in AM is driven by symmetry, it must be possible to identify them by analyzing the crystal structure directly, without computing the electronic structure. Given the significant potential of AM for spintronics, it is very useful to have a tool for such an analysis. This work presents an open-access code implementing such a direct check.

You can find the publication under SciPost Phys. Codebases 30 (2024) (2024).

12.06.2024 New Publication in Antiferromagnetic Spintronics

A publication with Jairo Sinova  and Helen Gomonay about magnetic domain engineering in antiferromagnetic Cu⁢Mn⁢As and Mn2Au has been published in Physical Review Applied.

Antiferromagnetic materials hold potential for use in spintronic devices with fast operation frequencies and field robustness. Despite the rapid progress in proof-of-principle functionality in recent years, there has been a notable lack of understanding of antiferromagnetic domain formation and manipulation, which translates to either incomplete or nonscalable control of the magnetic order. Here, they demonstrate simple and functional ways of influencing the domain structure in Cu⁢Mn⁢As and Mn2Au, two key materials of antiferromagnetic spintronics research, using device patterning and strain engineering. Comparing x-ray microscopy data from two different materials, they reveal the key parameters dictating domain formation in antiferromagnetic devices and show how the nontrivial interaction of magnetostriction, substrate clamping, and edge anisotropy leads to specific equilibrium domain configurations. More specifically, they observe that patterned edges have a significant impact on the magnetic anisotropy and domain structure over long distances and we propose a theoretical model that relates short-range edge anisotropy and long-range magnetoelastic interactions. The principles invoked are of general applicability to the domain formation and engineering in antiferromagnetic thin films at large, which will hopefully pave the way toward realizing truly functional antiferromagnetic devices.

You can find the publication under Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 064030 (2024).

11.06.2024 New Publication in Altermagnetism

A publication with Jairo Sinova, Libor Šmejkal, Anna Hellenes and Rafael González Hernández about the observation of a spontaneous anomalous Hall response in the Mn5Si3 d-wave altermagnet candidate has been published in Nature Communications.

Phases with spontaneous time-reversal symmetry (T) breaking are sought after for their anomalous physical properties, low-dissipation electronic and spin responses, and information-technology applications. Recently predicted altermagnetic phase features an unconventional and attractive combination of a strong T-symmetry breaking in the electronic structure and a zero or only weak-relativistic magnetization. In this work, they experimentally observe the anomalous Hall effect, a prominent representative of the T-symmetry breaking responses, in the absence of an external magnetic field in epitaxial thin-film Mn5Si3 with a vanishingly small net magnetic moment. By symmetry analysis and first-principles calculations they demonstrate that the unconventional d-wave altermagnetic phase is consistent with the experimental structural and magnetic characterization of the Mn5Si3epilayers, and that the theoretical anomalous Hall conductivity generated by the phase is sizable, in agreement with experiment. An analogy with unconventional d-wave superconductivity suggests that our identification of a candidate of unconventional d-wave altermagnetism points towards a new chapter of research and applications of magnetic phases.

You can find the publication under Nat Commun 15, 4961 (2024).

03.06.2024 New Publication in Altermagnetism

A publication with Libor Šmejkal about the spontaneous formation of altermagnetism from orbital ordering has been published in Physical Review Letters.

Altermagnetism has emerged as a third type of collinear magnetism. In contrast to standard ferromagnets and antiferromagnets, altermagnets exhibit extra even-parity wave spin order parameters resulting in a spin splitting of electronic bands in momentum space. In real space, sublattices of opposite spin polarization are anisotropic and related by rotational symmetry. In the hitherto identified altermagnetic candidate materials, the anisotropies arise from the local crystallographic symmetry. Here, they show that altermagnetism can also form as an interaction-induced electronic instability in a lattice without the crystallographic sublattice anisotropy. They provide a microscopic example of a two-orbital model showing that the coexistence of staggered antiferromagnetic and orbital order can realize robust altermagnetism. They quantify the spin-splitter conductivity as a key experimental observable and discuss material candidates for the interaction-induced realization of altermagnetism.

You can find the publication under Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 236701 (2024).