From February 26-28, Jairo Sinova took part in the Humboldt-Kolloquium Research Excellence in a Globalised World - Experiences and Challenges from a Brasilian-German Perspective in Sao Paulo. He delivered the keynote lecture Spintronics Research à la Humboldt: globally connecting nature, cultures, and people. In his lecture he outlined the interdisciplinarity of Spintronics research, its connection to the Humboldt spirit of doing research, and its connection to the new center SPICE, that he is starting here in Mainz with the help of his Humboldt Foundation Professorship award and the support of JGU.
The Humboldt-Kolloquium gathered many former and future Humboldtians, dignitaries from many other German agencies present in Latin America, such as the DAAD (Dr. Martina Schulze), DFG (Der. Dietrich Halm), and the Max Planck Society (Dr. Andreas Trepte), as well as the German ambassador in Brazil (Dirk Brengelmann), the president of CAPES (Dr. Jorge Almeida Guimaraes), the president of the Universität of Bayreuth (Prof. Dr. Stefan Leibe), the director of the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Berlin (Dr. Barbara Göbel), and a member of the German Bundestag (Dr. Gesine Lötzsch).