This week, we welcome Nadine Hauptmann from Radboud University in Nijmegen as our seminar guest. She is a specialist in scanning probe microscopy and works in the group of Alexander Khajetoorians. We are looking forward to her presentation about the new probing capabilities of SPEX (spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy combined with magnetic exchange force microscopy) applied to the ultrathin film system Fe/Ir(111), where nano-skyrmions or spin spirals occur depending on the number of Fe-layers.
Month: June 2017
26.06.2017 – Visit of Nadine Hauptmann
13.06.2017 – Seminar speaker Jonathan Chico
The today's seminar will be given by Joanathan Chico from Forschungszentrum Jülich. He will talk about several methods to calculate "Gilbert damping from first-principles methods".
06.06.2017 – SPICE Spin Dynamics in the Dirac Systems workshop starts
We welcome the participants of the SPICE Spin Dynamics in the Dirac Systems workshop .
The workshop offer a platform for the knowledge exchange between diverse novel condensed matter domains such as topological insulators and superconductors, Weyl physics, topological Josephson junctions, spintronics in graphene, spin valves, spin-logic devices, quantum magnetism, spin lattices, frustrated magnets, spin liquids, non-trivial spin states, etc.
We wish you all a very productive meeting!