We are proudly announcing that Pieter Gunnink has been awarded an individual fellowship provided through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions program, which supports the Mainz physicist to carry out a new research project in the field of spintronics. Please read the original press statement here.
01.03.2024 EU funding for outstanding early-career researcher Pieter Gunnink
20.01.2022 Jairo Sinova becomes an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Henriette Herz Scout
Jairo Sinova has become an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Henriette Herz Scout, selected in November 2021 with another 18 scientists in Germany. JGU has been one of the most successful in this program in this round (see press release, in German). Being a AvH Scout means that Sinova can directly nominate an outstanding young scientist for a prestigious AvH Fellowship directly, without having to go through a long application process and can join the group in a relatively short (a few weeks) time.
03.12.2021 Libor Šmejkal wins the Czech Head Doctorandus 2021 award for natural sciences
Congratulations to Libor Šmejkal for winning the Czech Head Doctorandus 2021 award for natural sciences. The award is announced by the Czech Head together with the Government of the Czech Republic. It is part of the Czech Head Awards which are the most prestigious Czech awards for science and research and often called "Czech Nobel Prize". Libor was awarded for his pioneering work in the field of topological antiferromagnetic spintronics with low loss- and highly mobile electrons, which promise a wide range of applications in science and technology.
07.04.2021 The EMA 2021 Young Scientist Award goes to Libor Šmejkal
We are very proud to announce that the Young Scientist Award from the European Magnetism Association goes to Libor, "for ground-breaking theoretical predictions of novel spin-splitting mechanisms and antiferromagnetic Hall effect in collinear antiferromagnets, which have ignited the emergent field of topological antiferromagnetic spintronics"
Libor has been in the Mainz INSPIRE team since 2015, where he is now a Research Team Leader. From 2015-2020 he was a PhD student, enrolled in Charles University Czech Republic from which he graduated in 2020. Libor has been a vital part of the INSPIRE group, both intellectually and as a team leader.
12.03.2021 Libor Šmejkal wins second place at Werner von Siemens Award
We congratulate Libor Šmejkal who has won the second place in the “Best Dissertation Thesis” category in
this year’s Werner von Siemens Award. Libor won the award for the thesis entitled “Topology band theory of relativistic spintronics in antiferromagnets”.
We are proud to have Libor as a valuable team member, colleague and a team leader at INSPIRE.