We are proudly announcing that Pieter Gunnink has been awarded an individual fellowship provided through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions program, which supports the Mainz physicist to carry out a new research project in the field of spintronics. Please read the original press statement here.
01.03.2024 EU funding for outstanding early-career researcher Pieter Gunnink
27.10.2023 V.K. Bharadwaj successfully defends his PhD Thesis
We congratulate our colleague V.K. Bharadwaj, who successfully defended his PhD on "Magnetic skyrmions in in-plane magnets". In his studies, he investigated the stability, curent dynamics and excitations of magnetic skyrmions, which amongst others led to a publication in Physical Review B.
01.11.2021 Lennart Piotraschke, Martin Münzenberg and Matthias Greber join the INSPIRE group
We are very pleased to welcome Lennart Piotraschke, Martin Münzenberg and Matthias Greber to the INSPIRE group. They join the group as scientific student assistants. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration.
Contact information:
Lennart Piotraschke
Email: lpiotras@students.uni-mainz.de
06.09.2021 Steven Schoenmaker joins the INSPIRE group
We are very pleased to welcome Steven Schoenmaker to the INSPIRE group. He joins the group as a PhD student. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration.
Contact information:
Steven Schoenmaker
Email: sschoen@students.uni-mainz.de
03.09.2021 Tobias Wagner successfully defended his Master thesis
20.05.2021 Bennet Karetta successfully defended his Master thesis
18.11.2020 Rodrigo Jaescke joins the INSPIRE group
We are very pleased to welcome Rodrigo Jaescke to the INSPIRE group. He joins the group as a PhD student. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration.
Contact information:
Rodrigo Jaeschke
Email: rjaeschk@students.uni-mainz.de
11.11.2020 Nayra Alvarez joins the INSPIRE group
We are very pleased to welcome Nayra Alvarez to the INSPIRE group. She joins the group as a PhD student. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration.
Contact information:
Nayra Alvarz
Email: alvarezp@students.uni-mainz.de
13.10.2020 Gizem Özcan joins the INSPIRE group
We are very pleased to welcome Gizem Özcan to the INSPIRE group. She joins the group as a PhD student. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration.
Contact information:
Gizem Özcan
Email: gioezcan@students.uni-mainz.de
01.04.2020 Tobias Wagner joins the INSPIRE and TWIST group.
We are very pleased to welcome Bennet Karetta to the INSPIRE group. He joins the group as a M.Sc. Candidate joint with the TWIST group. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration.
Contact information:
Tobias Wagner
Email: tobias.wagner@uni-mainz.de