This week, the INSPIRE group had the pleasure to welcome Prof. Roberto Raimondi from the University of Rome and Dr. Cosimo Gorini from the University of Regensburg. On January 26th, Raimondi gave a talk on "Spin current swapping and spin Hall effect in a 2DEG" presenting recent results about spin-orbit induced effects in a two-dimensional electron gas. Gorini talked about "Thermoelectric conversion in disordered nanowires" on January 28th. Of course, the group members used the chance to vividly discuss the theories presented.
Guests and Visitors
26.01.2016 – Visit from Roberto Raimondi and Cosimo Gorini
16.11.2015 – Visit from Maria Isabel Alomar Bennassar
We have the pleasure to host Maria Isabel Alomar Bennassar from the University of the Balearic Islands as our guest. Maria Isabel has been studying transport in graphene with spin orbit coupling and is currently working on her doctoral thesis on thermoelectric transport in spintronic systems. She received a mobility scholarship for scientists from "La Caixa" which she is using to visit SPICE for a five weeks scientific stay and collaborate with the INSPIRE group.
29.09.2015 – Visit from Barry Zink
On September 29th we had the pleasure to welcome Barry Zink from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Denver. He is an expert on micro- and nanofabrication techniques used to control and measure the thermal, magnetic and electronic properties of systems in order to study the fundamental physics of new materials. We thank Barry for an inspiring day of scientific exchange and a very interesting talk on Thermal Spin Injection in Non-Local Spin Valves, Spin Transport in Native FM-Oxides, and Large Spin Hall Angle in Gold Thin Films.
21.07.2015 – Guest Lecture by Joo-Von Kim
We thank Joo-Von Kim from Paris (Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale CNRS, Université Paris Sud) for being our guest and giving a lecture about Magnetization dynamics in chiral spin textures: Spin wave channelling and skyrmion oscillations
14.07.2015 – Manuel Brando: Metallic Quantum Ferromagnets
We thank Manuel Brando from the max-Plack-Institute in Dresden for being our guest and giving a lecture about Metallic Quantum Ferromagnets.
07.07.2015 – Guest Lectures by Ewelina Hankiewicz and Kjetil M. D. Hals
We thank Ewelina Hankiewicz from the University of Würzburg and Kjetil M. D. Hals from Niels Bohr Institute Copenhague for being our guests and enriching our seminar program with their lectures on Transport in hybrid structures of topological insulators and in topological superconductors: In the Search of Majorana Fermions and the Phenomenology of Current-Induced Spin-Orbit Torques.
23.06.2015 – Olga Petrova: Magnetic monopoles in quantum spin ice
On June, 23, we had the great pleasure to welcome Olga Petrova from the Max Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden. She gave a lecture on Magnetic monopoles in quantum spin ice.
16.06.2015 – Markus Garst: Magnon-skyrmion scattering in chiral magnets
We are happy to welcome Markus Garst from the University of Cologne as out guest. He will contribute a lecture about Magnon-skyrmion scattering in chiral magnets to our seminar program.
02.06.2015 – Casper Drukier: Non-analytic corrections in Fermi liquids and multi-channel scattering
We thank Casper Drukier from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt for visiting us and giving a lecture on Non-analytic corrections in Fermi liquids and multi-channel scattering.
18.02.2015 – Visit of Ora Entin-Wohlman and Amnon Aharony
We are very happy to have Professors Ora Entin-Wohlman and Amnon Aharony from Tel Aviv University/Ben Gurion University as our guests. Prof. Entin-Wohlman gave a talk on “Thermoelecticity in nano-junctions” and Prof. Aharony shared his knowledge about "how to write and read quantum information on mobile qubits."