
22.04.2015 – Moving minds, crossing boundaries: Official Inauguration of SPICE Center

Director of SPICE Sinova, JGU President Krausch and State Secretary Deufel – View the JGU press release.

Yesterday, Prof. Dr. Georg Krausch, the president of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität and Prof. Dr. Jairo Sinova, director of SPICE, inaugurated the Spin Phenomena Interdisciplinary Center at the festive opening ceremony in the tradition-steeped hall of Atrium Maximum. After more than a year of getting settled and building up the Center, Sinova and his team now officially start tackling their mission.  In his speech, Sinova defined that mission as the advancement of spin related materials science by globally connecting nature, cultures and people.

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26.02.2015 – Sinova gives the keynote lecture at the Humboldt-Kolloquium in Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo 1
Photograph by Humboldt-Stiftung/ Felipe Mairowski
Sao Paulo2
Helmut Schwarz, the president of the Humboldt Foundation, hands a present to Jairo Sinova. Photograph by Humboldt-Stiftung/ Felipe Mairowski

From February 26-28, Jairo Sinova took part in the Humboldt-Kolloquium Research Excellence in a Globalised World - Experiences and Challenges from a Brasilian-German Perspective in Sao Paulo. He delivered the keynote lecture Spintronics Research à la Humboldt: globally connecting nature, cultures, and people. In his lecture he outlined the interdisciplinarity of Spintronics research, its connection to the Humboldt spirit of doing research, and its connection to the new center SPICE, that he is starting here in Mainz with the help of his Humboldt Foundation Professorship award and the support of JGU.

The Humboldt-Kolloquium gathered many former and future Humboldtians, dignitaries from many other German agencies present in Latin America, such as the DAAD (Dr. Martina Schulze), DFG (Der. Dietrich Halm), and the Max Planck Society (Dr. Andreas Trepte),  as well as the German ambassador in Brazil (Dirk Brengelmann), the president of CAPES (Dr. Jorge Almeida Guimaraes), the president of the Universität of Bayreuth (Prof. Dr. Stefan Leibe),  the director of the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Berlin (Dr. Barbara Göbel), and a member of the German Bundestag (Dr. Gesine Lötzsch).

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18.02.2015 – Visit of Ora Entin-Wohlman and Amnon Aharony

We are very happy to have Professors Ora Entin-Wohlman and Amnon Aharony from Tel Aviv University/Ben Gurion University as our guests. Prof. Entin-Wohlman gave a talk on “Thermoelecticity in nano-junctions” and Prof. Aharony shared his knowledge about "how to write and read quantum information on mobile qubits."

11.02.2015 – Thierry Valet meets with our group and German Carnival traditions during his visit at INSPIRE and SPICE Center

IMG_0084_1We had the pleasure to welcome Thierry Valet on February 11 and 12, which gave him the chance to accustom himself with German Carnival traditions. He was lucky not to wear a tie on Weiberfassnacht (Women's Carnival Day) when he had a meeting with Jairo Sinova and Matthias Kläui. Mr Valet is known for the Valet-Fert Model on giant magnetoresistance in CPP geometry and its application in spin engineering.

06.02.2015 – Bachelor Colloquium: Sebastian Müller on Spin accumulation and diffusion in magnetic Multilayers

In his talk, Sebastian Müller will discuss the effect of the spin memory loss on interfaces of ferromagnetic (F) and non-magnetic (N) materials in the stackings N|F and N|F|N. In particular he will present results on the size of spin flip and spin accumulation gaps at the interfaces. The theoretical description is based on a limit of the theory of perpendicular magneto-resistance in magnetic multilayers by Valet and Fert.”

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21.10.2014 Guest talk by Helen Gomonay

The INSPIRE Group has the pleasure to welcome Prof. Helen Gomonay from the National Technical University of Ukraine. She has done eminent research on AFM spintronics and will give an introductory lecture entitled "Spintronics with antiferromagnets: spinning of spin".